Reasons why recruiters do not read your resume

Reasons why recruiters do not read your resume

Address yourself professionally
Your email address should appear professional and convey your full name so that your prospective employer knows exactly who is sending the email. Do not use name or email address such as “Pretty Girl” or “Lone Ranger” which would  be ignored.
Clear subject line
It is also important that you address the intention of sending your email clearly and precisely in the subject line. Do not just put “Any Jobs”, “Jawatan Kosong” or “My Resume” in the subject line as it would make it difficult for the employer to track which position you are interested in

Insert an introductory statement
Introduce yourself in a short and simple sentence and the reason why you are applying for the job. Employers could only allocate 5 to 30 seconds of their time to review each application.

Proofread your email before hitting on the send button
Read your email a few times before you hit on the send button. Simple spelling mistakes will turn away your employers. Do not use short forms such as FYI in your email. In most cases, short forms could lead to miscommunication.

Sending a Generic email
Sending a generic email such as using blind carbon copy (BCC) instead of “To:” means that the same email was sent to other prospective employers. If you are doing this, it means that you are not serious enough to land that particular job you are applying.

Email Signature
Your email signature should appear professional. Make sure your signature is composed of your name, phone number and email address.

Missing Attachment
Jobseekers often forget to attach their resume. Employer may not have time to follow up with you on your missing resume. It is recommended that you attach your resume immediately prior to writing your email.

Remember That Your Resume (and LinkedIn Profile)

Considering that most employers use LinkedIn as their primary search tool, you should consider to set up a LinkedIn account. If you’re a professional, you can use LinkedIn  to your full advantage.

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